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Charged with Stunt Driving?


Charged with Stunt Driving? 


Here's how we handle a typical case* 

Case: R. v. I.L.

Charges:  Stunt Driving

Result: Stunt Driving Charge Withdrawn

I.L. was charged with STUNT DRIVING under s.172(1) of the Highway Traffic Act, DRIVING WHILE UNDER SUSPENSION under s.128 of the Highway Traffic Act, and FAILING TO SURRENDER AN INSURANCE CARD under s.3(1) of the CAIA.

Instant Penalties

After being stopped and ticketed by the police, I.L.'s vehicle was seized and impounded for fourteen (14) days at I.L.'s expense, and his driver's driver’s licence was suspended for thirty (30) days.  

Penalties if Convicted

If convicted, I.L.  faced up to six (6) months in jail, a fine of between $2,000 – $10,000 and a mandatory minimum 1-year driver’s licence suspension, with the Crown option of seeking up to 3 years of driver’s licence suspension, and he would have been required to complete a remedial driver’s education course to reinstate his licence at his own expense and his insurance rates would have gone through the roof

Our Seasoned Team of Paralegals and Lawyers Challenged the Charges*
Our seasoned team of Paralegals and Lawyers went to court and got the
Stunt Driving charge dropped, the Driving Under Suspension charged changed to the less serious offence of driving without a licence, and the Fail to Surrender Insurance Card
charge dropped.

I.L. said:

I’m grateful for your assistance.  You saved my ability to drive and support my family.  The financial fines and driving penalty would have destroyed me.  Thank you!

Charged with Stunt Driving? 

If you’re charged with Stunt Driving, your best course of action is to call and speak to a Lawyer to discuss how we can fight to preserve your right to drive.  FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION. The consequences of not fighting can be severe.  Call: 1-888-341-5889  24/7


Charged With Stunt Driving?

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*Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results
and may vary according to the facts in individual cases.

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